Sorry about the lack of exciting new adventures in the life of Swifty Morgan lately.
I didn't work this last weekend so that means no cool stories from work.
Over the weekend I went home and saw my partner in crime superdog that is holding up the house in the hold neighborhood. Jack Russel Terriers are so excited to see you after being absent for two weeks that when you are just trying to relax the only thing they want you to do is hold them and let them lick you. That gets old after a bit, and a bit slobbery.
On Sunday I went to church with my girlfriend sidekick and did the usual broke college kid lunch for $1.50 at Kroger. Lately they have had boneless wings for 25 cents and they actually are not that bad. Taking this back to the super girlfriend's dorm and eating lunch while watching the office on hulu is a great way to rest on Sunday before another week. I am pretty glad hulu is still free because it has been a tradition now for about 3 years that my sidekick and I don't watch The Office without each other because we enjoy watching it together, and now that we are at separate colleges that is a bit hard to do on a Thursday night. Que the hulu and grab the cheap chicken wings and you have a great date afternoon for three dollars! Lunch and a show! What a bargain.
Sunday night I had to drive back to my university early due to a wing program. My wing got invited by the girl's wing to chili's. After much persuading my guys finally worked up the courage to go. Being an RA I got the privilege of driving one of the school vans full of students. Now if you have ever ridden with me you would know that I am super strict on seat belts. Not only are they required by law but they make you safer, it is just like wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle. Sure you may look super cool to your buddies by not wearing that awful restraining device but when I roll a van one day who is it that is going to look super cool being ejected from those death trap vans? //end seat belt rant. Anyway, I haven't even met most of the students that I was driving but to introduce myself I said, and I quote, "Howdy, My name is Swifty, I need y'all to buckle up now, because if I get stopped that will be my third strike and that means life behind bars" All I got was wide eyes and some hesitation as students contemplated moving to the other van. I laughed and told them I don't have any felonies and we drove to dinner without incident.
Monday was exciting. The power went out.
Not only did the power go out, it went out when I was in philosophy class, talking about how man survived for thousands of years without science. When the power flickerd the first time the professor joked about how the science gods didn't like us talking about how people lived without science so well. Then the lights went out for good. The odd thing was that the computer must have been on backup because it stayed on just fine and the hall was powered by emergency lighting, so it honestly just looked like my classroom's overhead lights were out. My professor went out in the hall and came back to report that it must have been the science gods because our class room was the only one with no power. Well this didn't sit well with one female student and she panicked. She fled the class room 'acting' very frightened. I don't think she was honestly scared but more just hoping to be the class clown. What a weirdo.
To top it off, the school newspaper today reported that a squirrel had chewed through one of the main lines at the substation north of campus and that the whole northern half of campus was affected. Darn Squirrels! Maybe they were attempting to create a fire-sail like in live free or die hard... But my cell phone still worked, so the joke is on them.
Tuesday was pretty uneventful, I walked to the store to get some notebooks. Oh! But I did work out today! TWICE! That's right, I went on a good run in the morning before class and had such a great time that I went later that night also! Most enjoyable and by 8:30 when I finally ate dinner I had worked up quite a hunger. I still kept to my 'no soda' policy. I have had one soda since moving back 2.5 weeks ago. I sorta just don't like the taste anymore, makes it easy to forget about soda, I would rather eat my calories than drink them.
Have a great week, thanks for reading!
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